This is the way


Decentralized food production

Local grow centers blended with Education, Day-care, & Senior-care. Consolidating all of the professionals/resources included to manage these individuals into one location. Removing the need for pesticides, preservative, & GMO’s. Removing these from our food will increase health/immunity & drastically diminishing chronic health & auto-immune conditions(Science says comes from; food, environment, & perception of environment). 

It’s time to transition away from monocropping which destroys the soil, plants, & wildlife to renewable farming techniques. Techniques that do not require genetic modification, pesticides, or chemicals. It’s time for us to farm in a way that impacts animals & wildlife in a positive way. In a way that brings the environment back to life so that it can thrive as it once did, as apposed to current genetically modified chemical using monocropping systems that leave farmers penniless, destroy the land, & cause a multitude of illnesses within our population.

We begin by formulating transitional plans to help monocropping farmers transitions from single crop farming systems to a more diversified sustainable farming techniques. Techniques that utilize rotating free roaming animals, cultivating the land with keyline strategies to route/use run-off water more efficiently, reducing run-off, flooding, & erosion. Design this system revolving around perineal style crops using the S.T.U.N. method, that produce annually with minimal human intervention aside from harvesting for consumption. 

If we make the transitions correctly, a majority of the current farming equipment can be adapted to function in the the new farming ecosystem. 


sustainable living

Imagine a building code that REQUIRED, starting NOW, all constructions MUST;  be constructed of renewable/eco-friendly/recycled materials using building techniques like those of “Rammed Earth” to embrace convection based geo-thermal energy management centered around the use of Thermal-Mass, encourage the use of “bermed-style” building technologies, the utilization of South facing structures maximizing Solar energy, thus collect/provide Energy to grid, Collect/use all rainwater that falls on the room for all internal facility functions/water food producing botanical beds, produce/provide NON-GMO/pesticide-free/preservative-free food to the resident/community,  & forced implementation of homes designed to be “carbon-neutral” or “carbon-negative”(built with recycled materials). Homes that are NOT loaded with toxins from adhesives, bondings, primers, paints, etc that are in constant states of decay and off-gassing, continually needing to be replaced. ALL eliminated with the implementation of Stabilized Rammed Earth walls(w/e the equivalent building medium is for the respected area). 


predicated on service-to-others

Education should be predicated on service-to-others, available to all, anywhere, anytime, from any device, all subjects, unbiased with access to both polarities so we can extrapolate the truth ourselves. In general, K-12 EDUCATION should produce a fully independent, self-sufficient, critically thinking, well socialized human being, who has an employable skill, so they can begin providing a service for compensation immediately upon graduation. Granting the opportunity to avoid financial slavery through student loans & accelerating their way to financial freedom. Our current system is designed for Teachers to teach when it’s convenient for THEM, not the STUDENT. Further, their financial incentives revolve around diagnosing kids with mental illness & standardized testing. Neither of which are conducive to providing a healthy space for students to grow. K-12 students should be learning w/e is pertinent to their immediate real world situation, & teachers must be flexible enough to adapt subjects & education styles appropriately to ensure the student continues to grow. If the student isn’t learning, then the teacher has failed the to teach. This Education format could be reminiscent of the Rosetta Stone language learning software. The idea– to give children space to grow, opening the gates of education, & allowing the student to excel in any subject, at any rate. We need to shift away from education that promotes memorization & service-to-self over service-to-others. Memorization does NOT equate to a positively contributing member of society. Furthermore, structured examinations covering how well a student HAS memorized information is not an accurate metric of a child’s capacity to apply knowledge to the world around them. We’re failing our children by not providing an education system that allows them to learn when/where is most convenient for them, at the pace they are capable of handling, in the subjects they excel at, in a way that is unrestricted, granting room for the child to grow in such a way that prepares them for life & the concept of generational thinking. Opening the door to generational goals like; world hunger or climate change. Although these would likely be the side effect of a generation of children allowed to grow in a nurturing environment of service-to-others.

Our current educational system is setup in such a way that for example; in order for one to get an “A,” one must get an “F,” in order for me to pass, you need to fail, in order for me to win, you need to lose, in order for me to get the promotion, you have to get turned down, we see the reflections in nearly every facet of the current construct we live in. We can choose a different construct. We can plot a course from where we are now, to the new version of who we want to be. We must first discard the labels, then, we begin & remain ever focused on what we agree on. If the objective is providing for All, this is the way. 

Synergies – Education, Daycare, & Senior care with the food/energy/water collection/production systems. Consolidating all of these resources/professionals into one location. Children allowed to glean wisdom from Elders, Elders rejuvenated by the youth. Children granted the opportunity to see the full life cycle of a human at a young age. Nurses, Teachers, & Daycare professionals working side by side. Part of the graduation requirements is to develop/build a food/water collection/production system & then travel to a part of the world that needs it & help the locals install it/teach them how to manage it. Require as a part of graduation requirements, one trip to anywhere in the world, spending 4weeks building sustainable housing for natural disaster victims. Require the necessity to speak a minimum of TWO languages fluently before graduation. 

Encourage trade schools as a buffer to College. Consider modifying “Senior-year” to be the first year of a trade; computer programming, web development, cyber security, electrician, plumbing, masseuse, hair-stylist, etc. Teach each of our graduates a PAYABLE-SKILL before they leave HS. Providing a livable wage & life experience before deciding about college. This will grant the possibility for our children to finance college out of their own pocket!! We could drastically reduce the amount of children coming out of college jobless & CONDEMNED to a lifetime of financial-slavery. 

I mean, Don’t we want ALL our citizens be SMART & PRODUCTIVE members of society???