Who Are we?

we are..

..Barbell Method: a lifestyle change that accelerates us towards the strongest, happiest, healthiest version of ourselves.

By achieving this for ourselves, we in-turn seek this service for others.

The path to wellness starts at the Barbell and moves through the 5 pillars of Body Maintenance. Specifically, we use the Olympic Weightlifting barbell movements or some variation of the Olympic Weightlifting Barbell movements for all. As the Barbell movements of Olympic Weightlifting express the bodies full range of motion, through all the joints, & adapts to all human body types.  This style of training strengthens neural patterns in the body, increasing our brains ability to communicate with our body, while increasing range of motion, & strength. 

“Olympic Weightlifting is a symphony of the body expressed as Geometry in motion.” ~Patrick Hardy-Henry

5 pillars of body maintenance

NOTE; all pillars of Body Maintenance are regulated by fluctuations in training volume & intensity.

Weightlifting Foundations

Movements, Sets, Reps, %’s, Warm-ups, Cool-downs, Coaching Queues, Video Demonstrations, & MORE!!

12 months of programming designed to bring one from never having touched a barbell, to being competent enough to run any custom programming without fear of injury.

Participants in this program will learn the fundamentals of Functional Body Movement, Barbell training, the Olympic lifts, & gradually accumulate the base strength & movement competency required to train like a pro!!

Among the Weightlifting Foundations participants, all are eligible, but only the brave will take advantage of submitting their videos for review during the weekly Weightlifting Foundations PODcast. This Q/A format will allow us to engage directly, answering questions once, for many.

AVAILABLE NOW!! Sign-up on Services page. #WeightliftingFoundations